إستضافة منظمة الاقران لتنمية الاقران وبمناسبة يوم المراة العالمي ،،
جلسة حوارية لعدد من النساء المبدعات في مجال العمل النسوي والمدافعات عن حقوق المراة
وطرح التجارب الناجحة ، وأدوارهم التي تساهم في بناء مستقبل أفضل…
يأتي هذا النشاط ضمن برنامج( اصوات النساء اولا ) المنفذ من منظمة الاقران وبشراكة مع منظمة كورديد الهولندية ،،
Hosting the Peers Organization for Peer Development, on the occasion of International Women's Day,
A dialogue session for a number of creative women in the field of feminist work and defenders of women's rights
And put forward successful experiences, and their roles that contribute to building a better future…
This activity comes within the program (Women's Voices First) implemented by the Peers Organization and in partnership with the Dutch Corded Organization.
The meeting was attended by a number of congregational and feminist personalities, in the presence of a representative of the governor’s advisor for civil organizations affairs, Dr. Talib Al-Khazali, the director of the Commission for Human Rights, the jurist Majid Al-Jayashi, and a representative of the community police, Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Saeed.