منظمة إشراقات للتنمية Ishraqat For Development Organization منظمة إشراقات للتنمية Ishraqat For Development Organization

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ورشة تدريبية بعنوان ( اساسيات الاعلام ) بالتعاون مع مؤسسة الغد للتنمية والتطوير

 اقامت منظمة اشراقات للتنمية / فرع محافظة نينوى , ورشة تدريبية بعنوان ( اساسيات الاعلام ) بالتعاون مع مؤسسة الغد للتنمية والتطوير , استهدفت الورشة 20 مشارك و مشاركة من الإعلاميين و المهتمين بمجال الاعلام في مدينة الموصل . وذلك يوم السبت الموافق 5 اب أغسطس

🟥تهدف الورشة الى : تطوير المهارات الإعلامية للمشاركين بما يخدم العمل الإعلامي وتزويدهم بالمعارف والقدرات التي تمكنهم من إنتاج ونشر وتحرير وتوزيع المحتوى الإعلامي عبر مختلف الوسائط والقنوات الإعلامية.
🟥اهم المواضيع التي طرحت في الورشة عبر المدربين :
-المهارات اللغوية والتقنية للعمل الإعلامي .
-الخبر وكتابته .
-كيفية كتابة تقرير أخباري .
-التقرير الاستقصائي .
-أدوات الصحفي الناجح .
🟥وفي نهاية الورشة , قدم رئيس فرع المنظمة الأستاذ بدران الخفاجي , شهادات مشاركة للمتدربين , الذين اثنوا على التنظيم والتدريب الجيد للورشة , وبدورنا نشكر كل تعاون مع منظمتنا في إقامة الأنشطة التدريبية الهادفة , ولا سيما التعاون المثمر مع مؤسسة الغد للتنمية والتطوير .
🟦Ishraqat Organization for Development / Nineveh Governorate branch, held a training workshop entitled (Media Fundamentals) in cooperation with Al-Ghad Foundation for Development and Development. The workshop targeted 20 male and female media professionals and those interested in the field of media in the city of Mosul. On Saturday, August 5th
🟦The workshop aims to: Develop the media skills of the participants in order to serve the media work and provide them with the knowledge and capabilities that enable them to produce, publish, edit and distribute media content through various media and channels.
The most important topics raised in the workshop by the trainers:
Linguistic and technical skills for media work.
The news and its writing.
How to write a news report.
Investigative report.
Tools of a successful journalist.
At the end of the workshop, the head of the organization's branch, 🟦Mr. Badran Al-Khafaji, presented certificates of participation to the trainees, who praised the good organization and training of the workshop. In turn, we thank all the cooperation with our organization in establishing targeted training activities, especially the Al-Ghad Foundation for Development and Development.Ishraqat Organization for Development / Nineveh Governorate branch, held a training workshop entitled (Media Fundamentals) in cooperation with Al-Ghad Foundation for Development and Development. The workshop targeted 20 male and female media professionals and those interested in the field of media in the city of Mosul. On Saturday, August 5th
The workshop aims to: Develop the media skills of the participants in order to serve the media work and provide them with the knowledge and capabilities that enable them to produce, publish, edit and distribute media content through various media and channels.
The most important topics raised in the workshop by the trainers:
Linguistic and technical skills for media work.
The news and its writing.
How to write a news report.
Investigative report.
Tools of a successful journalist.
At the end of the workshop, the head of the organization's branch, Mr. Badran Al-Khafaji, presented certificates of participation to the trainees, who praised the good organization and training of the workshop. In turn, we thank all the cooperation with our organization in establishing targeted training activities, especially the Al-Ghad Foundation for Development and Development.

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منظمة إشراقات للتنمية


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منظمة إشراقات للتنمية Ishraqat For Development Organization